
Demo pages of our pocket guide ‚First Aid using Wayside Plants‘

English demo 1, front cover
English demo 2, contents
English demo 3, authors
English demo 4, dog emergencies, page 2 of 4
English demo 5, acupressure, page 3 of 4
English demo 6, nature hits for kids, page 1 of 4
English demo 7a, plantain left page
English demo 7b, plantain right page
English demo 8a, yarrow left page
English demo 8b, yarrow right page
English demo 9, inside back cover
English demo 10, back cover
previous arrow
next arrow

How did this book come about?
Strictly speaking, my wife and I just put together our knowledge as a botanical biologist and a physician spezialized in herbal medicine. We just wrote down what we do in our free time anyway to switch off and relax:
Discovering plants in nature, taking pictures and, of course, finding out what healing powers they have.
The 2nd German edition is in progress and an English edition is being prepared for publication.

If you happen to know a publisher who would be interested in publishing our book in Great Britain, we would be very happy to receive a message at:

First aid outdoors

Who hasn’t experienced this?
You’re out and about, scrape your knee, prick yourself on thorns, get stung by insects.
For such cases, ‚First Aid using Wayside Plants‘ shows which herbs or medicinal plants can help.
with helpful memorable pictures and graphics, as well as detailed descriptions, even someone with little knowledge of plants can find and use the appropriate healing herbs.
Emergency acupressure points are also presented, as well as tips for dog emergencies.
Last but not least: Hits for kids – what can children get excited about when the path gets too long for them, they get impatient and don’t feel like continuing?
Identifying plants safely
In contrast to other books, great emphasis is placed on the safe identification of plants in addition to their healing properties.

Lectures on nutrition

Dr Susanne Bihlmaier, a medical doctor
spezialized in herbal medicine, gives exciting
talks on nutrition and health. Take a look at
her website: